Friday, March 12, 2010

Whale's Tale

Last summer, my longtime friend and mentor brought me a gift.  He has been a Rangerii canadensis (I call him The Ranger) for several years and has a plethora of natural history artifacts that he has collected during his reign while roaming the prairies, forests, and shorelines.  Sometimes he gets an inkling that I might delight in possessing some of his treasures, and he is always right!

This particular day, he showed up with the vertebrae of a whale,
 which makes quite the conversation piece in my livingroom.  
What woman could turn THAT down?  
There is little to show for scale in this picture, 
but it reaches the windowsill, 
which is 33.5" from the floor, and it spans 36" in width.  
Not too shabby.  
It is pockmarked with age 
and has a bit of a common yellow lichen growing on it, as you can see.  
What stories could it tell,
I wonder?

1 comment:

Susan said...

Wow Karen, what a gift! This is fantastic, I'd love to draw it! At first glance I thought it was some kind of motor, but the real thing is so much more interesting - enjoy!